Cabernet Sauvignon
Single Vineyard
Zone: Dealu Zorilor
Plantation year: 2007
Area: 6 ha
Production/ ha: 3 800 – 4 200 kg/ ha
Patima după Matei is the infinite love for nature and the living things of this place, for traditions and customs, for each plot that we take charge of with care. Patima după Matei reflects the relationship between the land we work daily and the grapes that take the shape and essence of this place.

Production area
Area: Dealu Mare
Quality: DOC-CMD
The plots are located at the northern extremity of the Dealu Mare vineyard, at 15 km west of Buzau. The surface is part of the Subcarpații Buzăului
The vineyard plots are located at an altitude of 205 - 285 m.
The exhibition is southeast. The land is laid out in terraces.

The climate is temperate continental with specific aspects of the transition zone from the steppe to the forest-steppe. Winters are generally cold during which there are sudden temperature changes determined by cold air invasions from the N-NE direction. Summers have a high frequency of days with high temperatures, especially in the July - August with a longer period than the calendar one, especially to the detriment of spring.
Average annual temperature: 11,6 °C
Average temperature during the summer: 23,8 °C
Average temperature during winter: 0,5 °C
Annual precipitation: 500-550 mm
Vegetation: 190-200 days
Annual insolation: 1,500 – 1,650 hours
Vegetation precipitation: 350-400 mm
The soil
The soil on which the plots are located is medium to strongly eroded reddish-brown loam. The soil texture is characterized by the existence of a clay content between 19 - 25%, having a good capacity to retain water and aerate the root mass. There are also traces of calcium carbonate, the content in active limestone being approximately 2.4% at the depth of 0-60 cm. This creates optimal conditions for obtaining high quality wines.